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Book Review: Black Pills by Garth Jones
When Aussie (transplanted to Aotearoa) author Garth Jones offered me an early look at his latest short story collection Black Pills , I...

Book review: The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty
The Exorcist is one of those books I’d put off reading for many years, mainly because the film is so ubiquitous and all-encompassing that...

Top 6 Books I Read This Year:
I managed to read 30 books this year, less than last year but I’m fine with that - my only real goal is to read a good mix of books from...

BOOK REVIEW: Grey Noise by Marcus Hawke
The latest novella from Marcus Hawke details the downward spiral of one Evan Grey after he finds an old CRT TV set, which begins altering...

Book review: Those You Killed by Christopher Badcock
This review was originally posted on Horror Oasis. Those You Killed, the strong debut novel by Christopher Badcock from Dark Lit Press,...

BOOK REVIEW: This Is Where We Talk Things Out by Caitlin Marceau
This debut novella had been getting a lot of hype ever since its release in September. Sometimes hype can do a disservice to a book or...

2022 last quarter book review catchups
Holy shit it's the end of 2022, and I haven't posted my thoughts on the past few books I've read. So here is a quick sprint through my...

Chopping Spree by Angela Sylvaine
Chopping Spree is a fun, fast-paced slasher that cleverly pivots to something more ambitious and interesting. A group of teens are...

BOOK REVIEW: The Regulators by Richard Bachman & Joyland by Stephen King
The Regulators by Richard Bachman • I have owned various copies of this book since it came out 26 years ago. I started reading a...

White Ibis / Maneater / Goons and Grease Paint
I’ve been reading some short novelettes / novellas / stories recently & these are three that I really enjoyed: White Ibis by Wendy...

BOOK REVIEW: Welcome to Smileyland by Spencer Hamilton
There have been many books (and films) released that loudly proclaim to be a “modern slasher” which then go on to be a regular old...

BOOK REVIEW: Into The Forest & All The Way Through by Cynthia Pelayo.
True crime poetry is not a sub genre I was aware even existed, let alone one that could be so emotionally affecting, but Cynthia Pelayo...

In The Arctic Sun by Rowan Hill
Set in the mountains of Alaska during the season of constant sun, our main character Sarah is alone following a domestic violence...

Double dose of grief horror: Immortelle & Crossroads
I finished ‘Immortelle’ by Catherine McCarthy and loved it so I’m re-reading ‘Crossroads’ by Laurel Hightower to keep the grief horror...

BOOK REVIEW: Torture The Sinners! by Judith Sonnet.
I’ve been meaning to read one of Judith Sonnet's (aka @fulltimehorrorjunkie) books for some time now (in which time she has released 6 or...

BOOK REVIEW: Grotesque: Monster Stories by Lee Murray
Bram Stoker Award Winning NZ writer Lee Murray’s strong collection of stories run the gamut from historical horror, to far-future sci-fi...

BOOK REVIEW: The Worm and His Kings by Hailey Piper.
In Hailey Piper’s cosmic horror novella, we follow Monique, a trans woman living on the streets of NYC and searching for her partner...

'The Burning Boy' review by Valentina P
Many thanks to Valentina for this amazing review! 🔥🙏🏼🔥 Posted @withregram • @valentina.the.spooky.mum#bookreview The Burning Boy &...

Book Review: Anoka by Shane Hawk
This is an impressive debut collection of Indigenous horror stories by Shane Hawk, set within the titular Minnesotan town of Anoka....

BOOK REVIEW: Lady of The House by Grace R. Reynolds
The stunning debut collection of dark poetry invites us into the world of Lady, a 1950’s housewife stifled by the expectations of...

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