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Alligator (1980)
I first caught Alligator on the Sunday Horrors, a late night TV horror slot in the late ‘80s. I’d been meaning to rewatch it, but I never...

Talking Campfire Tales on RNZ Nights
I was back on RNZ Nights with Bryan Crump tonight, talking campfire tales in horror cinema. We looked at The Fog, The Burning, Madman,...

Friday the 13th series reviewed (so far)
Here are some of my reviews of the Friday the 13th films from the last couple of years. I will keep adding new reviews as and when I...

Frightmare (1981)
I’ve been going through some of the Vinegar Syndrome titles on Tubi looking for the next trashterpiece or slice of ill-advised cinema...

My Bloody Valentine (1981)
Roses are red, violets are blue, one is dead, and so are you. . I’ve watched Cherry Falls & Valentine over the last few nights so it’s...

The House On Sorority Row (1982)
A fun well made slasher with hints of Giallo / Euro horror from the golden age of the genre, Row plays like an 80’s redo of the...

Blood Lake (1987)
This slice of home-made regional horror is not objectively ‘good’ by all the usual markers of quality (script / performances /...

Latest Vinyl Scores...
Latest additions to the collezione (that’s Italian for collection). I’ve owned that Star Wars double LP before but lost it in the...

BOOK REVIEW: Twisted - Tainted Tales by Janine Pipe
The debut collection from Janine Pipe lives up to its title, with a variety of horror stories taking in vampires, werewolves, ghosts...

Maximum Overdrive (1986)
This wild dose of Maximum King is a coked out whirlwind of sentient machines gore and pure unadulterated fun. Maximum Overdrive is often...

Children of the Corn (1984)
One of the more middle of the road (row?) entries in King’s film oeuvre, Children of the Corn is still a mildly fun excursion into rural...

D U N E (1984)
I love this goddamned weird-ass, much-maligned sci-fi epic from that mad genius David Lynch. I first discovered it on TV as a kid & it...

Vamp (1986)
The first kiss could be your last. • Landing between other mid 80’s bloodsucking classics Fright Night, Near Dark & The Lost Boys, Vamp...

SEXY TOME VOL. 1 ZINE by Video Slezy
I’ve jut finished reading the first issue of @videosl.ezy ‘s brand new zine & call me a plant or a shill but fuck me did it bring a big...

Wolf Vs Wolf: The Two Great Werewolf Films of 1981.
This article contains spoilers for these 40 year old films. In celebration of the 40th anniversary of An American Werewolf in London, I'm...

The Slumber Party Massacre (1982)
Close your eyes for a second…and sleep forever. Another early ‘80s slasher gem, Slumber plays by the rules for the most part but benefits...

Near Dark: a look back at the 80's vamp classic
Before The Hurt Locker, Strange Days & Point Break, Kathryn Bigelow made one of the most original vampire movies of the 80’s & maybe...

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