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Author interview: Kiwi horror writers featuring at Featherston Book festival
I was fortunate enough to chat with Jesse Mulligan on RNZ Afternoons last week about Featherston Booktown, our 'Campfire Tales' event and...

Campfire Tales 2023 Authors Announced
Congratulations to SM Harris, Art Robinson, Kirsty Roby and Simon Lambert for having their stories selected for Campfire Tales 2023! You...

Campfire Tales is a live event as part of the 2023 Featherston Booktown Karukatea Festival. We are looking for four horror / dark fiction...

Featherston Booktown 2022: Campfire Tales
I'm pleased to announce the event I am producing with Ricky Dey for this years Featherston Booktown: Campfire Tales (R13) Friday 10th &...

It's a short, sharp shock: Author profile
Old mate got a profile in the Wairarapa Times-Age. If you can read the fine print there is a sneaky announcement of the next book release...

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