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Leatherface (2017)
This recent entry in the most convoluted horror franchise ever, tells the un-needed story of how Jackson Sawyer came to wear a mask of...

The Deep House (2021)
The haunted house movie is dragged to the bottom of a lake in order to refresh the genre and mostly succeeds. This underwater horror...

Christine (1983)
After The Thing flopped in 1982, John Carpenter lost his next gig which was meant to be Firestarter, but instead he picked up a...

Talking Halloween on the radio
I had another nice chinwag with Bryan Crump on Radio New Zealand about Halloween including some Halloween picks from some fellow Kiwi...

The Shining (1980)
Stanley Kubrick’s masterpiece The Shining is a top 5 horror film for me. Full of madness, familial dischord and elemental terror, it gets...

P O S S E S S O R (2020)
I first caught Possessor last year & while I liked a lot of it I was left slightly underwhelmed. My initial opinion was that, while...

The Empty Man (2020)
The first night, you hear him. The second night, you see him. The third night, he finds you. . How to describe this strange genre bending...

The Slumber Party Massacre (1982)
Close your eyes for a second…and sleep forever. Another early ‘80s slasher gem, Slumber plays by the rules for the most part but benefits...

The Gate (1987) Review
The last time I watched this fun coming of age horror was on VHS probably around 1989, so it’s been 30 long years between viewings. And...

Near Dark: a look back at the 80's vamp classic
Before The Hurt Locker, Strange Days & Point Break, Kathryn Bigelow made one of the most original vampire movies of the 80’s & maybe...

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