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Maximum Overdrive (1986)
This wild dose of Maximum King is a coked out whirlwind of sentient machines gore and pure unadulterated fun. Maximum Overdrive is often...

Children of the Corn (1984)
One of the more middle of the road (row?) entries in King’s film oeuvre, Children of the Corn is still a mildly fun excursion into rural...

Vamp (1986)
The first kiss could be your last. • Landing between other mid 80’s bloodsucking classics Fright Night, Near Dark & The Lost Boys, Vamp...

The Slumber Party Massacre (1982)
Close your eyes for a second…and sleep forever. Another early ‘80s slasher gem, Slumber plays by the rules for the most part but benefits...

Near Dark: a look back at the 80's vamp classic
Before The Hurt Locker, Strange Days & Point Break, Kathryn Bigelow made one of the most original vampire movies of the 80’s & maybe...

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