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Review: Girls School Screamers (1986)
Girls School Screamers is nowhere as good as the various posters (funny that for a DTV 80s horror jam). The Vinegar Syndrome disc has 3...

Halloween '18 / Kills / Ends
I know it’s probably not cool to admit liking these films, but I haven’t been cool my entire life and am not about to start now. 2018 is...

Chopping Spree by Angela Sylvaine
Chopping Spree is a fun, fast-paced slasher that cleverly pivots to something more ambitious and interesting. A group of teens are...

BOOK REVIEW: Welcome to Smileyland by Spencer Hamilton
There have been many books (and films) released that loudly proclaim to be a “modern slasher” which then go on to be a regular old...

Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986)
No one films insanity like Tobe Hooper. From the original Chainsaw through Eaten Alive and The Funhouse to this Cannon funded sequel, he...

Friday the 13th series reviewed (so far)
Here are some of my reviews of the Friday the 13th films from the last couple of years. I will keep adding new reviews as and when I...

X Premiere at The Roxy Cinema
The premiere of X at Roxy Cinema Miramar last night was an absolute blast. The film was fkn fantastic - a slow burn slasher but never...

Frightmare (1981)
I’ve been going through some of the Vinegar Syndrome titles on Tubi looking for the next trashterpiece or slice of ill-advised cinema...

Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022)
The new TCM is an imperfect but lean, mean shredding machine that takes a chainsaw to the gut of so called ‘legacy sequels’, painting...

The House On Sorority Row (1982)
A fun well made slasher with hints of Giallo / Euro horror from the golden age of the genre, Row plays like an 80’s redo of the...

Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984)
The ultimate killer Santa movie, Silent Night Deadly Night is bloody, sleazy 80s slasher gold. When Billy finally goes all axe on his...

The Case of the Bloody Iris (1972)
Solid golden age Giallo starring Italian cinematic royalty Edwige Fenech and George Hilton filled with 70’s style, the requisite stabby...

Just Before Dawn (1981)
Jeff Lieberman’s backwoods horror comes from that golden early ‘80s period when the tropes of the genre had yet to crystallize into the...

The Slumber Party Massacre (1982)
Close your eyes for a second…and sleep forever. Another early ‘80s slasher gem, Slumber plays by the rules for the most part but benefits...

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