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ON SALE: The Burning Boy turns ONE!

The Burning Boy book

The Burning Boy & Other Stories’ turns one tomorrow so I’m having a SALE to celebrate: E-books $0.99 & paperbacks $5.59 (US) from now until Monday.

Here's a recent 5 star review of the book by Peter on Goodreads: Wow, what an extraordinarily good collection of 15 short stories. The author gave it a flying start and the first highlight came with the title story. The first five stories were five stars. Later on the stories became a bit more elaborate, a bit more complicated and winded but he stayed sharp. Only the last two stories were a bit to constructed and wordy. Lilith or The Burning Boy were very strong tales. If you are into dark and mysterious tales this is a real must read. Modern horror from down under. Highly recommended!

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